Do you have any queries? Please check below!

Publications (journals / books), conference proceedings, and other related digital collections. Further if you have any queries, reach us via Email / Live Chat / Whatsapp / Phone .
It will be considered as a specific requirement. Please contact RePoSiTo Team for more information via Email / Live Chat / Whatsapp / Phone .
As an account administrator, you will have a complete control on your content.
Yes. If the specific access is provided to your content, then your content will be accessible to the Eligible Institutions.
Yes, this access is called as a Post Access Cancellation (PAC).
No. You will be provided with the access (view & download) to your content.
Yes. You will be provided with the Auditor Access upon the request.
Our auditors will perform the audit for your account.

Still do you have queries? Please reach us via Email / Live Chat / Whatsapp / Phone .