1. Planning

RePoSiTo team will plan the preservation formats and these plans will be revised from time to time by considering the needs of people as well as the advancements in the technology. Sometimes, it may be necessary to develop new tools for the preservation. We will take all the necessary steps to make our Content more secure and reliable.

2. Content Receipt and Management

The Content will be transferred from the Content provider to the RePoSiTo. The received Content will be managed in secure environment and frequent audits will be conducted to make sure the received Content is secure and safe.

3. Content Processing and Deposition

The received Content will be processed (like extracting metadata, validating the files, etc) and preserved in the chosen plan of the people. In this stage, by considering the preservation plan, the received Content will be transferred into the respective archive.

4. Security Measures and Monitoring

RePoSiTo will monitor and manages the archive. We will monitor the Content, 24/7, to ensure the security and safety. Based on the requirement, new tools will be developed.

5. Safe Content Delivery

The Content will be delivered, safely, based on the access type (namely Account Administrator Access, Specific Access, Post Cancellation Access and Auditor Access). For delivering the Content under the Specific Access, Post Cancellation Access and Auditor Access, The Account Administrator should request the RePoSiTo. After considering the request, the RePoSiTo Team will make the decision.